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Pancake recipes totally mend with breakfast recipes, lunch recipes, and dinner recipes. Pancakes are one of those tasty dishes that you can have at any time of the day. But are you worried about the time consumed in making pancakes at home? These pancakes can be prepared in less than twenty minutes. It’s a healthy breakfast and contains lots of nutrition. We have varieties in pancakes, so break the monotony and relish your breakfast with a variety of healthy pancakes daily.
A pancake is a flat cake, it’s often thin and round prepared out of starched batter that contains milk and dairies products like egg, milk, and butter. We can give lots of twist to pancakes by adding dates or dry fruits. Learn thePancake recipe here. You can learn a few innovative dishes like Walnut, Maple, & Banana Pancakes, American Corn Stuffed Rice Podloo, Green Peas, and Potato Pancakes and many more. You can encounter more than fifteen plus dishes here. It is a healthy breakfast and can be eaten in the evening as snacks.
Pancake is a healthy breakfast and especially loved by kids. Mix wheat flour, baking powder, and salt mix well in a bowl. Pour milk, egg and olive oil, blend it well and then heat it in a pan and let it spread, cook on both the ends till it turns brown. This pancake recipe will help you and your kids to live a healthy lifestyle and are also considered as a portion of very tasty food. Mothers are always worried about their children’s nutrition, but pancakes are the answers for the moms.
The Origin Of Pancakes
Pancakes as a favorite staple in many cultures’ diets have been around for centuries. They began over 30,000 years ago during the Stone Age. Researchers have found pancakes in the stomach of Otzi the Iceman, human remains to date back 5,300 years.
Pancakes, in ancient Greece and Rome, were made using ingredients like olive oil, wheat flour, and curdled milk. Poems were written on pancakes by ancient Greek poets, Cratinus and Magnes. Shakespeare even mentions them in his famous play. During the English Renaissance, pancakes were flavored with rosewater, spices, apples, and cherry.
In 15th Century the name “Pancake” was launched, However, in 19th Century in America it became standard.. Previously, they were called Indian cakes, hoecakes, johnnycakes, journey cakes, buckwheat cakes, buck wheats, griddle cakes, and flapjacks. In early stage, Pancakes contrived of Cornmeal and Buckwheat. It was loved by Thomas Jefferson, he considered it a special recipe and sent this recipe to his native (Hometown) from the White House.
About the author:
The writer of this article is cookbook author, recipe developer, and cooking instructor. She loves beautiful, healthy, and sensuous foods specially South India breakfast. She provides not only delicious recipes, but a wealth of nutrition information.